Monuments on the grave

Production of monuments in Tallinn quickly, efficiently, inexpensively

With us you can order a granite monument to the cemetery at a reasonable price. Fences, decoration with tiles, granite chips and sand, benches, as well as sculptures, vases, lamps and lanterns – we have everything for the improvement of the burial place.

Welcome to our website


HAUAMEISTER OÜ is a company that, during a pandemic time, with the support of the EAS Foundation, transferred the work of this area to the Internet as much as possible. We have created an online store for monuments, fences and all types of services. Without leaving home, on our website you can order and pay for any product and service. After completing the work or delivering the goods, we send pictures of the work done by email.

We carry out the installation of monuments, granite and concrete fences all over Estonia.
We provide services for all types of restorations and maintenance of graves in the territory of Harju County.
We also carry out exclusive work on memorial granite complexes on individual requests.


Available only in Tallinn and Harju County.
Outside Tallinn, 15% will be added to the order amount.
Adding sand / <br> replacing sand with a new one <br> <div class="services_options"> <ul> <li> 25 € / 1 place </li> <li> adding a cathellore for sand 5 € / 1 place </ li> </ul> </div>

Adding sand /
replacing sand with a new one
  • 25 € / 1 place
  • adding a cathellore for sand 5 € / 1 place

Granite crumb filling <br> <div class="services_options"> <ul> <li> 50 € / 1 place </li> <li> Adding a cattellor for sand 5 € / 1 place </li> </ul> </div>

Granite crumb filling
  • 50 € / 1 place
  • Adding a cattellor for sand 5 € / 1 place

Cleaning / washing the fence <br> <div class = "services_options"> <ul> <li> single fence – 60 € </li> <li> double fence – 90 € </li> <li> triple fence – 120 € </li> <li> Fence for four – € 150 </li> <li> Fence for five – € 180 </li> <li> Fence for six – € 210 </li> </ul> <p> <strong style = "color: red;"> * </strong> cleaning / washing of monuments, flowerpots are included in the price </p> </div>

Cleaning / washing the fence
  • single fence – 60 €
  • double fence – 90 €
  • triple fence – 120 €
  • Fence for four – € 150
  • Fence for five – € 180
  • Fence for six – € 210

* cleaning / washing of monuments, flowerpots are included in the price

Painting letters and numbers on the monument <br> <div class="services_options"> <ul> <li> silver </li> <li> bronze </li> <li> white </li> </ul> <ul > <li> small monument – 40 € </li> <li> medium monument – 55 € </li> <li> large monument – 70 € </li> </ul> </div>

Painting letters and numbers on the monument
  • silver
  • bronze
  • white
  • small monument – 40 €
  • medium monument – 55 €
  • large monument – 70 €

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